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dkNET-Repository Compliance

dkNET-Repository Compliance

Repositories are the publishers of scholarly objects within the commons. We therefore view repositories as an essential piece of the commons by providing the means by which individual researchers can achieve commons compliance without having to understand all the intricacies of creating open, FAIR and citable objects. To achieve this, the repository itself must trustworthy, that is, they must ensure the stability and persistence of objects within the commons and adhere themselves to the principles of the commons.

This decision tree is developed in order to allow dkNET to evaluate data repositories.dkNet is an information portal created to provide information to connect the NIDDK (National Institute of Diabetes Digestive and Kidney Disease) community of researchers with scientific resources.

The decision tree is organized into 4 sections: Open, FAIR, Citable and Trustworthy. As you go through each section, an icon will appear in the Data Tags section indicating whether commons compliance has been achieved.

Version 1.0.0
Release Date 2020-09-13
Keywords dknet, fair, force11, repository, software
Decision Graph:
Policy Space:
Policy Space

Data Repository Compliance
Open One of:
closed partially open fullyOpen
Findable One of:
not findable partially findable fully findable
Accessible One of:
not accessible partially accessible fully accessible
Interoperable One of:
not interoperable partially interoperable fully interoperable
Reusable One of:
not reusable partially reusable fully reusable
Citable One of:
not citable partially citable fully citable
Trustworthy One of:
significant concerns minor concerns no concerns
Open Properties
Restrictions One of:
none minimal significant
CC License Compliance One of:
non compliant none adequate good full
Open Flags Some of:
openFormat platform supports data ccLicense OK restrictions not justified
FAIR Properties
Findable Properties
Persistent Identifier One of:
none internal PID external PID
Metadata Grade One of:
minimal limited rich
Id In Metadata One of:
none partial all
Findable Flags Some of:
internal search OK
Accessible Properties
Metadata Persistence One of:
no persistence by evidence by stated policy
Accessible Flags Some of:
human accessible machine accessible persistent metadata √ license standard API
Interoperable Properties
Metadata FAIRness One of:
minimal allowed enforced
Metadata Reference Quality One of:
free text informal formal
Study Linkage One of:
none free text textual metadata machine readable metadata
Interoperable Flags Some of:
formal metadata vocabulary fair metadata qualified metadata references study linkage OK
Reusable Properties
Documentation Level One of:
lacking adequate good full
Reuse License One of:
none repository level dataset level
Metadata Provenance One of:
unclear adequate full
dkNET Metadata Level One of:
none dataset dataset and subject
Reusable Flags Some of:
documentation OK dkNetMetadata OK community standards general metadata metadata provenance OK
Citable Props
ORCID Association One of:
none supported required
Citation Metadata Level One of:
none partial full
Machine Readable Landing Page One of:
none exists supports data citation
Trustworthiness Props
Governance Transparency One of:
opaque partial full
Stakeholder Governance One of:
none weak good full
Source Open One of:
no partially yes
Permalink to latest version: /models/dkNET-DRP/start